Why Some Sportsmen Smoke and Drink Alcohol

Smoking and drinking alcohol are two harmful habits that can have a negative impact on athletes’ performance and health. Despite knowing the risks, some athletes still engage in these behaviors.

Why do some athletes smoke?

There are a number of reasons why some athletes smoke. Some may believe that it helps them relax or focus before competition. Others may use it as a social lubricant or to fit in with their peers. However, there is no evidence to suggest that smoking provides any benefits for athletes. In fact, it can have a number of negative effects, including:

  • Reduced lung function: Smoking can damage the lungs and lead to decreased lung capacity, which can make it harder for athletes to breathe properly during exercise.
  • Impaired circulation: Smoking can constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow, which can make it harder for athletes to transport oxygen and nutrients to their muscles.
  • Increased heart rate: Smoking can increase the heart rate, which can put additional strain on the heart and make it more difficult for athletes to recover from exercise.
  • Addiction: Smoking is addictive and can be difficult to quit.

Why do some athletes drink alcohol?

Some athletes may drink alcohol to relieve stress or celebrate after a win. However, alcohol can have a number of negative effects on athletes’ performance and health, including:

  • Impaired coordination: Alcohol can impair coordination and make it difficult for athletes to perform at their best.
  • Impaired judgment: Alcohol can impair judgment and make athletes more likely to make poor decisions, such as driving while intoxicated or engaging in risky behaviors.
  • Dehydration: Alcohol can dehydrate the body, which can lead to fatigue and impaired performance.
  • Hangovers: Alcohol can cause hangovers, which can make it difficult for athletes to recover from exercise and prepare for competition.

Is it legal for athletes to smoke and drink alcohol?

In most countries, it is legal for adults to smoke and drink alcohol. However, some sports organizations have policies that prohibit or restrict athletes from using tobacco or alcohol. For example, the National Football League (NFL) has a policy that prohibits players from smoking or drinking alcohol during the season.

What can sports organizations do to discourage athletes from smoking and drinking alcohol?

Sports organizations can take a number of steps to discourage athletes from smoking and drinking alcohol, such as:

  • Educating athletes about the risks of smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Offering smoking cessation programs and alcohol education workshops.
  • Implementing policies that prohibit or restrict athletes from using tobacco or alcohol.
  • Creating a culture within the organization that discourages the use of tobacco and alcohol.


Smoking and drinking alcohol are harmful habits that can have a negative impact on athletes’ performance and health. Sports organizations can play a role in discouraging athletes from engaging in these behaviors by educating them about the risks, offering smoking cessation programs and alcohol education workshops, implementing policies that prohibit or restrict athletes from using tobacco or alcohol, and creating a culture within the organization that discourages the use of tobacco and alcohol.

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